How to Use ‘You’re’ and ‘Your’

  1. Use You’re when compounding you and are. 
  2. Use Your to when suggesting that something belongs to the person that you are taking to.


Effective and accurate communication is an enviable skill that is often neglected by the general populous. Honing your writing skills is a sure way to get ahead both professionally and educationally. There are many books that focus entirely on developing your grammar and punctuation skills. Here would be a great place to start.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

How to Use ‘You’re’ and ‘Your’

The confusion of ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ is a mistake commonly made in the written language. Here’s a simple guide to making sure you’re getting it right. 

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1- Use You’re when compounding you and are. ‘You’re’ is a compound version of ‘you are’. Should ‘you are’ not work in the sentence where you were thinking of writing ‘you’re,’ then you should use ‘your’. 

2- Use Your to when suggesting that something belongs to the person that you are taking to. ‘Your’ indicates belonging. If the object (tangible or intangible), belongs to the person or persons that you are referring to, then ‘your’ should be used.


Here are a couple of examples


In reading this guide you’re developing your communication skills.


If your thinking of writing to the same quality of this sentence then your going to have to work on you’re writing ability

Always double check your work. Simple errors like those above can be easily avoided.

Endeavour to write correctly no matter what medium you are communicating through. Writing posts on facebook or sending texts to a friend in good English will help you set good habits.