How to Use “i.e.” Versus “e.g.”

  1. Using “i.e”
  2. Using “e.g.”
  3. Rather than learning the correct Latin translations of the abbreviations, it might be easier to assign each an alternative long-hand version of what they stand for.


Effective and accurate communication is an enviable skill that is often neglected by the general populous. Honing your writing skills is a sure way to get ahead both professionally and educationally. There are many books that focus entirely on developing your grammar and punctuation skills. Here would be a great place to start.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

How to Use “i.e.” Versus “e.g.”

Knowing how to use “i.e.” versus “e.g.” can help to avoid a slightly embarrassing grammatical mishap. Very simply, here’s how it’s done.

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1- Using “i.e”. “I.e.” means ‘that is’. It should be used when describing what you’re trying to say in a different way or in a different context. You might say:

I was now in acceptance that my trip would end fruitlessly i.e. without any fruit 


Due to the unique complexity of every ‘decision’ that our consciousness makes, we naturally attribute these decisions to individuality of thought i.e. free will.

2- Using “e.g.”. “E.g”. means ‘for the sake of example’. You would use “e.g.” when providing examples to develop an argument or a point. You might say:

The boy developed a fondness for sweets e.g. Reese’s and Sherbet 


He went to pick out a nice car e.g. a Ferrari, a Mercedes, A Porche.

3- Rather than learning the correct Latin translations of the abbreviations, it might be easier to assign each an alternative long-hand version of what they stand for. Try ‘in essence’ for “i.e.” and ‘example given’ for “e.g.”. Using these long-hand versions will help you to work out which one makes sense in the sentence that you are using.


Try to only use “i.e.” and “e.g.” when writing. Use “that is” and “for example” when speaking.