How to Toast and Skin Hazelnuts

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
  2. Place the nuts (out of the shell) in the oven.
  3. Remove the toasted nuts from the oven and tip into a wire sieve and then shake to loosen the skin.


A decent baking tray is required to ensure easy cleaning and removal of nuts, especially if you decide to honey glaze them! These kinds of things are always cheaper and more readily available online.
Baking tray

How to Toast and Skin Hazelnuts

Knowing how to toast and skin hazelnuts enhances the flavour of the nuts and loosens their skins. The skins can then be rubbed off more easily. The following ‘how to’ provides the details of this simple process for you.

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1- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

2- Place the nuts (out of the shell) in the oven. When the oven is hot, set a timer to 5 minutes. Place the hazelnuts into a high-sided baking tray and roast until browned, checking regularly that they aren’t burning.

3- Remove the toasted nuts from the oven and tip into a wire sieve and then shake to loosen the skin. Shake the sieve to loosen the skins from the nuts, picking out any nuts that are completely free of their skins


For an indulgent treat, once the skin has been removed, drizzle honey over the nuts and blast them under a hot grill for 30 seconds to glaze.