How to Throw a Knife

  1. Drop the foot on the side of your throwing arm back a comfortable distance behind the foot of your none throwing side.
  2. Use one of two grips. 
  3. Your throw should originate from over the shoulder of your throwing arm, and should hold a vertical arc where your shoulder, elbow and wrist are all in line. 
  4. Do not flick your wrist – the arc of your throw will suffice is providing the knife with enough rotational movement in order for the naturally biased tip end to be facing forward for the majority of its’ flight. 


A knife! Bare in mind however, that the knives people throw in the movies are weight neutrally or towards the blade end (rather than handle end as most kitchen knifes are), allowing their flight through the air to bias towards hitting the target blade first. It is impossible to guarantee a blade first strike with any method of throwing as personal judgement of distance etc will always skew the result, but you can maximise your chances of success through proper technique and equipment. You really should go Hibben:
Hibben throwing knives

How to Throw a Knife

A sure fire way to impress the boys is to nonchalantly ‘chuck’ a knife into a scrap piece of wood, a sure fire wire to have the girls think you’re a childish red-neck is to nonchalantly ‘chuck’ a knife into a scrap piece of wood, a sure fire way to get arrested is to nonchalantly ‘chuck’ a knife into someone’s leg. Whatever your orientation, if you’re gonna do something, MGTE feel that it’s always best to do that something right.

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1- Drop the foot on the side of your throwing arm back a comfortable distance behind the foot of your none throwing side. Both feet should be pointing forward, and the weight on the foot on your throwing side should be on the ball (should you be throwing from the seat of your car being all trailer trashy as I sometimes do, this obviously doesn’t apply!). Your shoulders should be square (facing) to the target.

2- Use one of two grips. There are many different ways to grip a knife that all depends on personal preference and the type of knife being thrown, however the two main grips employed are the hammer grip (holding the knife by the handle as if you were shaking someone’s hand), and the pinch grip (holding either end of the knife between you thumb and fore fingers).

3- Your throw should originate from over the shoulder of your throwing arm, and should hold a vertical arc where your shoulder, elbow and wrist are all in line. Towards the latter half of the throw you should extend at your elbow as if trying to chop a piece of wood from top to bottom in a straight vertical line. Push off of your back foot slightly, easing the weight towards your front foot, for extra power.

4- Do not flick your wrist – the arc of your throw will suffice is providing the knife with enough rotational movement in order for the naturally biased tip end to be facing forward for the majority of its’ flight. Release the blade just before your straightened arm becomes parallel to the floor (release point and power depends on distance from the target).


Don’t be irresponsible! Throw your knives only at scrap inanimate objects, or objects which you intend to eat (this does not apply to people!).

Throwing a knife in self defence is stupid! Even if you manage to stick the sharp end into your target, chances are that it won’t sink more than a coupe of inches so all you would have achieved would have been to have severely pissed off the assailant and have armed him/her with your own knife!