How to Use a Condom



Condoms and lots of them. Some brands are better fitted to certain shapes and sizes, but you’ll never really know until you try them. For practice, it’s best just to purchase a decent sized box of standard, lubricated condoms (no fancy frills or flavours!). You get what you pay for with condoms so don’t be cheap! My preferred brand is Durex.
Durex Intimate Feel Condoms

Knowing how to use a condom, or knowing how to put a condom on properly, can minimise the time awkwardly fumbling around before sex and prevent ruining the mood. It can, most importantly, ensure that you are better protected against STIs/STDs and your encounter is less likely to result in pregnancy. Practice on yourself as well as in-animates.


1- Ensure that you are fully erect before opening up a condom. You cannot properly fit a condom unless you have complete rigidity.

2- Use your fingers to tear down from the zig-zag edge. Do not use your teeth or any other sharp implements as you may pierce the condom!

3- Work out which way to roll it. Without rolling it out, work the hoop of the condom backwards and forth between your thumbs and forefingers to determine which way it rolls. You want the condom to run downwards with the roll on the outside.

4- Place the condom at the top of your penis, and gently pinch the tip of the condom. Use the other hand to roll the condom down your penis. If it does not roll, you were incorrect in step 3 and should turn it the other way around.

5- Roll the condom to the base of your penis. Once there, ensure that there is still the small reservoir left at the tip of the condom from having pinched it.

6- Once you have ejaculated, you can keep having sex until your erection begins to subside. When this happens, grip the base of the condom to ensure that it is not left inside your partner when you pull away. Remove the condom and wrap it in tissue and put it in the bin. Do not try to flush it down the toilet. Wash your hands properly to remove any remaining sperm before once again touching your partner!


If you’re uncircumcised, it’s best to pull back the foreskin to put on the condom. If this is uncomfortable, once the condom is on, you can work the foreskin back to where it sits more comfortably from the outside of the condom

Never apply an oil or petroleum-based lubricant to a latex as it can damage the condom’s integrity.

If the condom tears during use, consider using the morning after pill.

If your girlfriend is allergic to latex, purchase polyurethane condoms.