How to Treat Canker Sores or Mouth Ulcers

  1. Prevent by brushing your teeth regularly but gently
  2. Simply make up a solution of salt or baking soda with a tea spoon mixed in a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth out
  3. Place a little Hydrogen peroxide solution on the end of a cotton bud and gently rub it on the canker sore.
  4. Use specialist mouthwash.
  5. For treating the pain you can purchase over the counter remedies or for on the spot treatment, try ice cubes/chips.
  6. If you frequently suffer from canker sores/mouth ulcers, book to visit your doctor as there may be an underlying issue.


Hydrogen peroxide is an essential part of any first aid kit. Used to treat canker sores or disinfect any wound/remove dead tissue, it has a wide variety of uses. Watching it fizz up on a wound is incredibly satisfying!
Hydrogen peroxide

Mouthwashes specifically designed to treat mouth ulcers and canker sores are readily available. They may be worthwhile keeping in your medical cabinet.
Canker sore mouthwash

How to Treat Canker Sores or Mouth Ulcers

Knowing how to treat Canker sores or mouth ulcers can save you much pain and discomfort. They form on the gums, inner cheeks and lips. Treated properly they will usually heal in a couple of weeks. Caused my bacterial infection of a sore, often simple oral hygiene will go a long way. Here are a few tips to treat them properly.

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1- Prevent by brushing your teeth regularly but gently (perhaps try a different toothpaste), avoid acidic foods (such as fruits), or at least wash your mouth out after eating them, avoid spicy foods, avoid ‘sharp’ foods or at least chew them carefully. Basically, avoid irritating the inside of your mouth! Canker sores also tend to develop during times of stress. See ‘how to relax’. 

2- Simply make up a solution of salt or baking soda with a tea spoon mixed in a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth out morning, lunch and evening. You can also make a thicker paste with just a little water and baking soda and then rub it into the sore with a cotton bud and let it dry.

3- Place a little Hydrogen peroxide solution on the end of a cotton bud and gently rub it on the canker sore. This is nasty stuff so be careful. Don’t press too hard and whatever you do, don’t swallow!!!

4- Use specialist mouthwash. Some mouthwashes are specifically designed to combat canker sores by eliminating the bacteria that irritate the wound. 

5- For treating the pain you can purchase over the counter remedies or for on the spot treatment, try ice cubes/chips. 

6- If you frequently suffer from canker sores/mouth ulcers, book to visit your doctor as there may be an underlying issue (Celiac or Crohn’s disease or other autoimmune conditions). They may also prescribe more powerful, prescription rinses. 


Cold sores are different as they form on the lips or outside the mouth. See ‘how to treat a cold sore or fever blister’.

If you’re always getting canker sores in the same place, it may be because you may have a sharp or rough edge to your teeth. If this is the case, visit your dentist as they may be able to smooth it for you.