How to Tenderise Meat

  1. Place the meat between a couple of layers of plastic wrap, or even clean plastic bags, and gently strike with a meat mallet.
  2. Scoring the meat by running repeated cuts down it with a sharp knife will make post cooking cutting easier.
  3. A marinade will not only soften the meat, but it will also make it super tasty.
  4. Slow cooking is ideal for less expensive, tougher meats, as the low temperature breaks down the fibrous proteins and keeps the meat from going rigid. 


A meat mallet is a very handy implement to keep in your kitchen. Whether for tenderising meat or even for breaking up ice or nuts, they have a wide range of uses and are much cheaper online than in the shops.
Meat Mallet

How to Tenderise Meat

Knowing how to properly tenderise meat will mean that you can get a tasty meal no matter how inexpensive the cut. This article shows several methods.

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1- Place the meat between a couple of layers of plastic wrap, or even clean plastic bags, and gently strike with a meat mallet. The meat fibres should loosen however the meat will flatten. 

2- Scoring the meat by running repeated cuts down it with a sharp knife will make post cooking cutting easier. This is the least effective means of tenderising meat but it will allow for the meat to keep its shape.

3- A marinade will not only soften the meat, but it will also make it super tasty. Marinades can be made of any ingredients, but the essential ingredient for a tenderising marinade is something acid based i.e. lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or any other vinaigrette. Leave the meat in a zip lock bag with the marinade overnight in the fridge before allowing to come back to room temperature and cooking as desired. 

4- Slow cooking is ideal for less expensive, tougher meats, as the low temperature breaks down the fibrous proteins and keeps the meat from going rigid. Place the meat in a roasting or casserole dish with things such as seasoning/flavouring, wine, herbs and an appropriate stock (essential- or at the very least use water), and cooking at a boiling temperature for an extended period of time.  


Once tenderised (unless slow cooked), the meat should be cooked as any other piece of meat i.e. bbq, fry, grill etc.