How to Steam a Pudding

  1. Get the set up correct – know what you’re attempting to do.
  2. Prepare the foil.
  3. Construct the vessel used for steaming.
  4. Add the right amount of water.
  5. Steam.


If you would like to do things the proper way and also be a keen lover of fresh vegetables, then perhaps it might actually be worth investing in a proper steamer. As always, these are so much cheaper online and there’s a much bigger range to choose from than what would be available in your local store.
Food steamer

How to Steam a Pudding

Knowing how to steam a pudding properly will ensure that your tasty dessert will be properly cooked through whilst remaining moist and free from crisped edges. The following ‘how to’ breaks down the process into quick, make-shift steps for steaming without the use of an actual steamer.

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1- Get the set up correct- know what you’re attempting to do. The base of the pudding bowl cannot touch the direct heat of the pan!

2- Prepare the foil. Lightly scrunch a large sheet of aluminium foil into a rough disc shape.

3- Construct the vessel used for steaming. Place the aluminium foil into the bottom of the pan. Rest the wrapped pudding on top. Make sure the base of the pudding bowl is not in direct contact with the base of the pan.

4- Add the right amount of water. Add enough warm water to reach halfway up the sides of the pudding bowl.

5- Steam. Cover the pan tightly with the lid. Steam the pudding according to the recipe instructions.


It’s a good idea to pour in warm water and bring to the boil in the saucepan (rather than boiling water straight off), as you will still have the opportunity to manipulate the bowl in the pan with your hands should the positioning not be perfect.