How to Snare a Rabbit

  1. Find a rabbit trail or rabbit track and locate the narrowest point on the trail.
  2. Set a sturdy branch.
  3. Set a loop.
  4. Tie the other end of the string to the sturdy branch so that the large loop is about 3-4 inches off of the ground.
  5. Should you be using flimsier string, hold the loop open with very thin twigs that will come loose and/or snap should the snare be triggered.
  6. Block the rest of the path off to better funnel the rabbit towards the snare.
  7. Check the snare twice a day and be sure to kill the rabbit as quickly and humanely as possible by snapping its neck.


Pre-made rabbit snares can be bought online. Most can be re-used and tend to be sturdier than homemade ones.
Rabbit snare

Although I appreciate that we’re meant to be talking about snaring equipment here (which is pretty much just a piece of sturdy string!), perhaps hunting might be a little more successful/fun with a crossbow?!? The best thing about crossbows is that you don’t need a licence for them in most countries and jurisdictions (although be sure to check with your local authorities on the legislation).

How to Snare a Rabbit

Knowing how to snare a rabbit can be useful for pest control or for ensuring that you have a tastey meal waiting for you at home once you’ve finished work. It is a fairly simple procedure, however snares need to be checked twice a day in order to claim your catch before any other predator does- you have a responsibility to do this to prevent unnecessary suffering.

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1- Find a rabbit trail or rabbit track and locate the narrowest point on the trail. If there isn’t a particularly narrow point, artificially create one with branches etc.

2- Set a sturdy branch. Perhaps cut a sharpened branch off of the foliage and drive in into the ground so that it crosses over the narrow part of the trail.

3- Set a loop. With a strong piece of string, or better still, wire, create a small loop at one end with a regular knot, then pull the centre of the rest of the string through the loop enough that you have a larger 4 inch diameter loop (wire will hold its shape better).

4- Tie the other end of the string to the sturdy branch so that the large loop is about 3-4 inches off of the ground.

5- Should you be using flimsier string, hold the loop open with very thin twigs that will come loose and/or snap should the snare be triggered.

6- Block the rest of the path off to better funnel the rabbit towards the snare.

7- Check the snare twice a day and be sure to kill the rabbit as quickly and humanely as possible by snapping its neck.


Prepare the snare to be effective from both sides of the path- rabbits don’t just go one way around a track!

Check the legislation on trapping and killing rabbits for your local area before setting any snares- ignorance does not qualify as a legal defence.