How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night

  1. Make sure that you’re tired!
  2. Properly prepare before bed time.
  3. Keep the air moving.
  4. Blow air over ice.
  5. Wear cold, wet clothing.
  6. Take ice packs to bed with you.
  7. Use light weight covers.


A fan is great for keeping the air moving, however I also find the soft hum of a fan to be conducive to sleep.

A mosquito net will allow you to leave the windows open yet not get plagued
by bugs.
Mosquito net

Ice packs are incredibly versatile. Whether for placing in your bed overnight, or even just keeping your beer or lunch cool, they are always incredibly handy to have lying around.
Ice packs

How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night

Knowing how to sleep comfortably on a hot night can save you much tossing and turning and lost sleep. This article will give you some ideas about how to stay cool yet still feel snug in your bed, without the use of the demon that is air conditioning!

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1- Make sure that you’re tired! It’s always much easier to sleep under more difficult conditions when you’re actually tired! The best way to ensure a good night’s sleep is to be active in the day. What you get up to in the day greatly affects your ability to get back to sleep again in the evening! Avoid taking naps, but if you have to, nap for no more than 15 minutes. A useful tip is to hold something in your hand and tell yourself not to drop it. Conscious of the object in your hand, you will always wake before sleeping too deeply.

Also be aware of your stress levels over the course of the day. Minimise stressful occurrence and take steps towards relaxation whilst at work (or similar) to ensure that you don’t arrive home in the evening with your mind feeling abused.

Exercise during the course of the day, but avoid exercising within three hours of going to bed as physical activity encourage your metabolism to fire and will make it harder to slow down your physical functions.

2- Properly prepare before bed time. A cold shower is the best way to prepare before sleep. Once you are asleep, your body tends to be less fussy about the heat, so being cool for the first 30 minutes of bedtime can go a long way. If you’re after general tips about falling asleep, try reading this article.

3- Keep the air moving. Even during the hottest of nights, the air in the room will still be cooler than your body temperature, however the still air won’t be cool enough to take the required amount of heat away from your body. In order to mitigate this, keep the air moving. A fan is the best option, but also keep the windows open in order to allow for fresh air to circulate naturally. If you are concerned about insects such as mosquitos, purchase a good mosquito net.

4- Blow air over ice. If it is particularly hot, you can always have a fan blowing over a tray full of ice. It is a good idea not to have the air blowing directly into your face, however over your body is fine.

5- Wear cold, wet clothing. If you wet a t shirt for example and then wring it out, the evaporation of the water from the t shirt will transport heat away from your body. This will help for the first few hours before you have to repeat the process. Do not do this night after night howevere, as it may result in bed sores.

6- Take ice packs to bed with you. Blue ice blocks work well as they tend not to split under weight, but failing that you can seal a bag full of washing up liquid and place it in the freezer. The gel will not freeze, however it will stay cold for a long time (be careful not to lie directly on it however).

7- Use light weight covers. Although some people are comfortable with nothing covering them in hotter climates, the simple feeling of having something draped over your skin has an inbuilt positive psychological association with infancy. If sleeping in a hot environment, a lightweight, silk sheet will allow you to remain cool whilst still give you the feeling of being covered.


Stay hydrated during the night.

Never fall asleep in the bath. Drowning or hypothermia is a real danger.