How to Roast a Duck

  1. Have the butcher remove the giblets.
  2. Prepare the inner seasoning/stuffing.
  3. Stuff the inside of the duck with the mixture.
  4. Set; leave in the fridge overnight.
  5. Preheat; set the oven to its highest setting (220C/425F/Gas 7 or higher).
  6. Lay the duck out on the roasting tray.
  7. Coat the whole of the skin with boiling water.
  8. Sprinkle the whole duck with vinegar.
  9. Lay half a dozen strips of streaky bacon over the top of the duck.
  10. Seal; cover in baking foil.
  11. Lower the temperature.
  12. Re-baste.
  13. Leave to rest.


Due to the high fat content of the duck, it’s best to use a roasting rack to prevent the duck from frying in its own juices. Have a look online for a cheaper and wider choice of options to ensure that you get the right sized one for your oven.
Roasting rack

How to Roast a Duck

Knowing how to roast a duck properly can result in a delicious, indulgent, treat of a meal. A little more rich and fatty than most other poultry, ducks require a slightly different approach to roasting. This ‘how to’ provides you with my favoured approach.

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1- Have the butcher remove the giblets. Although it’s only a matter of a little prodding around (see how to remove giblets), should be buying your duck from the butchers, it’s much easier to simply have them remove the giblets for you.

2- Prepare the inner seasoning/stuffing. In a bowl mix salt, pepper and sprigs of rosemary and thyme.

3- Stuff the inside of the duck with the mixture. Fold the skin to seal the opening and give the duck a good shake to coat the inside with the seasoning and herbs. Pour in a little water to mix with the stuffing.

4- Set; leave in the fridge overnight.

5- Preheat; set the oven to its highest setting (220C/425F/Gas 7 or higher).

6- Lay the duck out on the roasting tray. It’s best to use a roasting tray with a trivet (roasting rack). Place the duck on the trivet and pull the skin tight and arrange the duck neatly on the trivet.

7- Coat the whole of the skin with boiling water. Pat dry with paper towel.

8- Sprinkle the whole duck with vinegar (this will make the skin crispy when cooked).

9- Lay half a dozen strips of streaky bacon over the top of the duck.

10- Seal; cover in baking foil, folding to seal the edges to the edges of the tray (this will keep in the steam while in the oven).

11- Lower the temperature. After roasting for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bacon, reduce the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6 and roast for another hour. During this hour baste the duck after 30 minutes, by spooning the fat from the bottom of the roasted tray over the back of the duck.

12- Re-baste. After the hour baste again, then turn the oven back up to 220C/425F/Gas 7 and roast for a final 15 minutes to crisp the skin.

13- Leave to rest. Remove from the oven and leave the duck to rest for 15-20 minutes.


I suggest serving your roast duck with a selection of roasted vegetables. As far is sauce is concerned, be creative- any kind of fruit sauce will work proving it is sweet and a little tangy (just don’t over power your beautiful duck!).