How to Impress a Girl

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Act confidently.
  3. Following this, Initiate contact.
  4. Practice the art of conversation.
  5. Avoid putting others down.
  6. Stay out of the friend zone through flirting.
  7. Get your friends on board.
  8. Don’t be critical. Positivity is attractive, negativity unattractive!
  9. Be chivalrous.
  10. Find balance in allure.
  11. Give her space.
  12. Share jokes.
  13. Have energy.


“The Game” by Neil Strauss

The Game is the gospel for men wishing to pick up women. It is THE original mass marketed text and sings home many unspoken truisms. Use with caution, care, and sensitivity towards women’s feelings.

How to impress a girl

The term most commonly used for the rest of the animal kingdom is peacocking, however as humans there is a little more subtlety towards gaining a chosen mates attention than just strutting around with our feathers erect. Here are a few tips as to help you make a good first impression.

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1- Love yourself

As hippie as that sounds, what I really mean is start by assessing your image. Are you ‘well kept’? Are you overly niching possible partners due to adopting a particular style that may be unattractive to certain groups of women? Do you smell good? Are your clothes ironed? Are you in shape? Although correctly answering to all of these questions will make you more attractive to females, having made an effort towards this end will also natural fill you with more confidence- something that is key to attraction.

2- Act confidently.

Acting confidently is just that- Acting! Whether you are naturally confident or not isn’t the most important issue, what is important however, is appearing confident to the opposite sex. If you are having to ‘act’ however, be sure not to be over the top as this will put off many women. ‘Quietly confident’ is a nice balance- smile, hold eye contact, move assertively, do not second guess what you say as you say it but take time over your words, this will naturally hold their attention.

3- Following this, Initiate contact. Once you have her attention begin initiating eye contact. Eye contact is an incredibly powerful tool in enticing interest, however be aware that spending too much time in this phase can make an approach much harder and sometimes quite uncomfortable. Once you have made eye contact, make an introduction. Introductions ‘out of the blue’ may seem a little alien to most people so if you can be introduced by a friend who knows her already, this could be useful. If you are making an introduction ‘from scratch’, be forward and confident. Things will only ever be as uncomfortable as you make it! Providing that you are not sleazy with your approach, smile, and have not prefixed the introduction with eye contact that has been going on for way too long, at the very least the introduction will be politely received (if it’s not then the young lady in question is most likely not worth your time).

4- Practice the art of conversation.

See How to have a great conversation

5- Avoid putting others down

‘Bitching’, complaining and general negativity is very unattractive so don’t do it. Although you may feel that you are gaining common ground by sharing a dislike for someone of something, mutual negativity is something that is shared by friends, not by a courting couple. Keep the energy good and this will be positively reflected by her attraction towards you.

5- Flirt

Stay out of the friend zone through flirting. Whether on a night out or developing this relationship in college, if the proceedings are not carefully managed, it is far too easy to fall into the ‘friend zone’. Keep conversation fun and flirty (but not sleazy), and make subtle yet un-invasive contact whenever possible. Slight moments of discomfort and pauses in conversation are good as they keep the nature of the conversation flirtatious. In these brief moments, do not make it look like you’re trying to think of conversation, instead fill them with an action such as ordering drinks, or even making a compliment. Test the water by starting to throw out low-level “bait” i.e. subtle jokes that hint at sexual interest. A good baiting statement should be un-intrusive, playful, and fairly ambiguous. She will hopefully reciprocate with the same kind of “Baiting” so pay attention to what she says! Make it clear through a cheeky smile (or similar) that you have understood any subtle messages of this type that she may have sent you. Wait for her to continue conversation.

6- If your friends aren’t on-board, either take their advice and find someone else, or get them on board! People need to feel comfortable in new situations so have your friends be accepting although make sure she has interest in you before you introduce her to a plethora of other males!!!

7- Don’t be critical. Positivity is attractive, negativity unattractive!

8- Chivalry

Open doors for her, be well mannered, don’t curse too often, offer to carry her bag if she looks like she’s struggling etc etc. Just because chivalry is old fashioned it doesn’t mean it’s not an attractive quality!!

9- Find balance in allure.

Unfortunately, people naturally covet something that is ever so slightly beyond their reach and so hence the popular used tactic ‘playing hard to get’. Although there is merit in this approach, be very careful with it and only employ it when appropriate i.e. if you told her that you’d call at a certain time, don’t neglect to call her at all! Over use of this tactic will make you look like a bad person who is not interested in her.

10- Give her space.

Although you don’t want to play overly hard to get, it is equally important to give her space. Stay busy in order to distract you from developing to many feeling for her too quickl especially if this is one of your first dating experiences.

11- Share jokes.

Find common ground in jokes that only you two share. Comedy will help strengthen a developing bond.

13- Have energy

Be interesting, be active, be creative, be quietly different. Being multi-faceted in this way will generate intrigue. She will naturally want to get to know you better.


Be yourself. Don’t be fake. Although you may be ‘acting’ confidently, make sure it is still you!

If a girl doesn’t like you, just cut your losses and move on. Obsession is an incredibly painful thing so recognise its approach and get out before it’s too late.

Nova was the magplus that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative