How to Get a Job



“How to get a job you’ll love” by John Lees is a very well respected and enjoyable book. A best seller, it can help you achieve your potential and walk you through the minefield of job seeking!
How to Get a Job You’ll Love By John Lees

You can artificially learn how to immediately gain rapport with new people that you meet through NLP. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an invaluable skill for all socialisers and job seekers that can truly help you in the difficult stages of first impressions.
Neuro-linguistic Programming For Dummies

Knowing how to get a job is an essential life skill. Whether wanting to change jobs, applying for your first job, or are just giving employment another go, here are some worthwhile tips to set you on your way.


1- What is it that you want to do?

Have you put thought into what it is that you want to do? Once you have an idea, think about why you would be good at that job. If you can marry these two objectives, park them in the back of your mind and begin searching. Check: local internet sites, check around town for noticeboards, register with agencies, register with your local employment centre (note, in order to register with agencies or an employment centre, you will first need to have written a tailored CV to the line of work that you wish to go into).

2- Build up your resume (CV).

See ‘how to make a resume’.

3- Write a cover letter for your application.

If you’re applying for a job that you’ve seen advertised, along with your application form and a CV, you will need to write a cover letter. See ‘how to write a cover letter’.

4- Follow up you application by telephone.

If you have applied for the job yourself, it is not only appropriate, but always highly recommended to follow up your application with a telephone call. Employers will receive many applications for each post that they advertise, and it’s very easy for even a strong CV to be forgotten. In order to avoid this from happening, it’s always a good idea to call up and introduce yourself and to “ask questions” about the position. Have questions prepared, but keep conversation relaxed yet formal. Smile whilst on the phone- the other person will be able to tell!

5- NLP

Read a book on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) before any interview (see recommended products). NLP will set you a clear distance away from any other interviewee. Make yourself standout!

6- Be comfortable selling yourself

You will often be asked in interviews what are your strengths and weakness. Be prepared to answer this question and tailor your responses for the job at hand i.e. a manager should have leadership skills, vision, and enjoy responsibility, whereas a worker slightly lower down the chain of command would need to be a good team worker, have a keen eye for detail, and be punctual and hard working.

7- Prepare answers to the following questions that may well be asked:

“Tell me about a time that you had to use your initiative to solve a problem?”, “Tell me about a time that you had to deal with a difficult customer and what you did to resolve the situation?”, “Tell me about a time that you had to take control of a group and steer it towards a goal”, “What are your weaknesses and how are you addressing these issues/what would you like to learn from this job?” “Tell me about a time that you had to make a difficult decision and stick to it despite it being unpopular?”.

8- Attend a practice interview. Many government job centres will be happy to organise a mock interview for you and provide you with feedback on your performance. Failing that, ask a reasonably well qualified friend to do this.

9- The interview.

Be appropriately dressed although error on the side of too formal. Present yourself as best as you can (clean shave, smelling fresh etc). Be 10 minutes early- never be late and don’t be in a rush to get there as this will throw you. Greet with a firm handshake, eye contact, and a smile. Wait to be asked to take a seat. Sit up straight. Take time deliberating over your answer- a 2 second pause for you might seem like an eternity when under the spotlight, whereas in real life, taking a moment to organise your thoughts appears mature and professional. Breathe! Listen to the language that they use i.e. do they ‘think’ things or ‘feel’, and tailor your language to match theirs. Also, do they gesture a lot? If so, mirror their body language. NEVER DOUBT YOUR ABILITY TO DO THAT JOB- they may suggest that they don’t think you have the qualifications and experience- they want to be convinced otherwise so make sure that you do. Once finished, stand up and firmly shake hands once more, thanking them for their time.


Get off of your bum and be active!

Make sure that your facebook page is not available to be viewed by general members of the public as your employer my check up on you. Never accept your employer or other people you don’t know in the company as a friend!

Develop a full profile on ‘linkedin’ to advertise yourself.