How to Cuddle

  1. Knowing when’s right.
  2. Error on the side of ‘too short’.
  3. Unless you’re the person initialising the hug, let the other person dictate where they, and therefore you, will be putting your arms.


“What Every Body Is Saying” is a very entertaining and insightful book written by Joe Navarro aimed at teaching you how to read body language.

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“The Game” by Neil Strauss is the gospel for men wishing to pick up women. It is THE original mass marketed text and sings home many unspoken truisms. Use with caution, care, and sensitivity towards women’s feelings.

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How to Cuddle

‘How to cuddle’ may seem like a peculiar topic to have to seek advice on, but due to the complexities of the hundreds of different possible social relations we may have, working out what is best for each situation can be fairly mind boggling. The below guide gives some nice tips on what is appropriate and when, however if you’ve found this article whilst searching for advice on how to cuddle a girl, see “how to hug a girl”.

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1 Knowing when’s right. In general, friends cuddle other friends: To congratulate them, after they’re well acquainted and haven’t seen each other in a while, to console them if they are upset, and to say goodbye after having spent a while with each other. Pay attention to body language and wait for them to open up their arms if you’re unsure.

2 Error on the side of ‘too short’. Be the first to pull away if you’re unsure as you don’t want to create tension from having hugged for too long.

3 Unless you’re the person initialising the hug, let the other person dictate where they, and therefore you, will be putting your arms. If you’re initialising the hug, depending on the height of the person (if you’re taller you may have two arms above, if you’re the same size you might have one arm high and one arm low, if you’re shorter you may have both hands below (although this is more feminine)), be clear by opening your arms early how the hug will be linked.

4 For hugging a family member, it’s more customary to lean in from the hip rather than having your entire bodies in contact.


Things are only ever as awkward as you make them, so don’t make things awkward!

To judge how hard to hug, simply reciprocate how hard the other person is hugging you.

In a man hug, a couple of pats on the back is customary.

Be well kept and clean. Nobody wants to be hugged by a dirty person!

Some people simply do not appreciate physical contact. Be respectful of this.