How to Cook Couscous

  1. Pour into bowel.
  2. Pour over boiling water.
  3. Stir.
  4. Chop.
  5. Fluff.
  6. Stir.


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How to cook couscous

Knowing how to cook couscous to perfection will provide you with cheap, easy and tastey meals in minutes. The following ‘how to’ breaks down the process for you.

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1- Pour into bowel.

Pour your couscous into a heatproof bowl. If you like, for added flavour, crumble a stock-cube over the couscous.

2- Pour over boiling water.

Bring a kettle of water to the boil and pour it over the couscous to cover by roughly 1cm/½in. Pour in a glug of good quality olive oil and squeeze half a cut lemon over the couscous. Season with salt and pepper if not using a stock cube.

3- Stir.

Stir to mix the flavours through the couscous. Cover the bowl tightly with clingfilm and set aside for 10 minutes.

4- Chop.

Chop up herbs and vegetables such as chives and red peppers to mix with the couscous.

5- Fluff.

When ready, remove the clingfilm and use a fork to fluff up the grains of couscous, again spreading the flavours throughout.

6- Stir.

Taste and adjust the seasoning, then add your extra ingredients and stir to mix.


Add cooked or cured meats to your couscous to up the protein!