How to Cook Asparagus



For the boiling of asparagus it’s actually best to use a frying pan than it is a saucepan. When looking for a good frying pan, make sure that the pan itself is non-stick, not just the coating which will soon wear off.
Non-stick frying pan

How to cook asparagus

Knowing how to cook asparagus properly will ensure that you could a subtle crunch whilst maintaining a distinctive flavour. The following ‘how to’ breaks down the simple process from start to finish.


1- Picking the right spears. Look for asparagus that is freshly picked and has a juicy, firm feel. The ends should not be too white and dry. Asparagus with thicker stalks will naturally snap at the woodiest part of the spear.

2- Young versus old. Young asparagus spears are more tender and don’t need to be snapped before cooking.

3- Frying pan not saucepan. Bring shallow salted water to the boil and add the asparagus.

4- Monitoring progress. Check to see if the asparagus is cooked by testing with knife halfway down the spear.

5- Shake off excess. When ready, shake off any water.

6- Dress with butter. Serve immediately with a knob of butter.


Alternatively, you can blanch your asparagus spears in salted, boiling water for one minute. Remove with tongs and shake off the water. Fry on a hot griddle pan or frying pan in some olive oil until the spears are golden-brown in places. Season with freshly ground black pepper and sea salt flakes.