How to be Patient

  1. Get to know yourself.
  2. Plan.
  3. Patience with others.
  4. Keep a diary.
  5. Be fatalistic.
  6. The big picture.
  7. Being relaxed is attractive.
  8. People aren’t perfect.


Incense sticks are deceptively useful, not just for the soft smell, but more for the calming state of mind they tend to evoke (they also make a lovely, original present with a burner when you’re struggling for ideas for something to buy!).

Incense Sticks – Moods and Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy oil

Very useful heating a few drops for general calmness and wellbeing, or you can even place a couple of drops in a warm bath to help you relax.

Anjou Essential Oils Set 

How to Be Patient

It’s one thing knowing how to be patient, but being patient in a difficult situation is an entirely different matter. When everything around us is in such a rush, being able to detach from it all and relaxing when you’re waiting for someone that’s late, or putting up with someone being difficult, is an envious trait to develop. Here are some tips.

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1- Get to know yourself.

Learn to recognise when stress may be taking over. Are you becoming irritable? Do you find it hard sleeping? Do you tend to have to get everything done before you are able to relax? Are you finding it difficult to concentrate? Are you exhibiting peculiar eating habits? Do you suffer from aches and pains? Once you recognise what it is that makes you impatient and stressed, you can address the problem early or make plans to deal with it when you know it’s coming and appreciate the fact that other people work differently from you and operate better under different conditions.

2- Plan.

Prioritise what you want to do and when you want to do it. If you have 40 minutes before you have to leave to get somewhere and you have some jobs to do, if you complete your jobs in time, don’t try and squeeze in another activity, instead, take a moment and relax before you start on your next mission. If you’re picking someone up or meeting someone who tends to be late, cater for this by organising to meet them 15 minutes before you both have to be there- Bring a book or magazine with you to read whilst you wait, or carry out a job that needs doing in situ. Expect the unexpected.

3- Patience with others.

Does a certain characteristic by someone you know repeatedly test your patience? If it does, why does it? Can it be dealt with? Can you laugh it off? Does this person know that they’re doing it? If this affects you and nobody else, you’re not going to be too popular if you voice the issue. Instead, either take a deep breath and attach a positive spin on the issue, or simply avoid being around that person. If the issue is noticed by everyone else, find a way of politely communicating it to the person in question.

4- Keep a diary.

If impatience is becoming a problem, write down every time that you’re struggling. After you notice patterns in when or under what conditions you’re suffering, you’ll find it much easier to deal with.

5- Be fatalistic.

If there’s nothing that you can do to adjust the outcome of a situation, then what’s the point in worry/stress/being impatient?! Although it may seem like a bit of a woolly philosophy to adopt, there is actually zero point in stressing about something that you can do nothing about! Simply let it go.

6- The big picture.

Is it really that important? Again this is a slightly fluffy philosophy, but in the grand scheme of things, is freaking out over a bus that hasn’t arrived yet really warranted?

7- Being relaxed is attractive, impatient ugly

The above statement needs little clarification.

8- People aren’t perfect

Appreciate that people, including yourself, will not get it right every time. If something is within your scope of control, in order for the issue to be dealt with and received well, you have to be calm, rational, and objective. Being emotionally aroused when dealing with a problem will most likely only exasperate the issue.


It may sound cliché, but before reacting to any irritable occurrence, take 10 deep breaths.

Take some time to know yourself. Put some deep thought into why you do the different things that you do. Be honest with yourself and your shortcomings. Understanding who you are will make it much easier to deal with the world around you.