How to Act

  1. Learn your lines
  2. Keep a notebook about the play/show/film
  3. Never go dead for a second on stage
  4. If something goes wrong – say someone drops something – don’t ignore it
  5. Try not to worry about embarrassing yourself
  6. Never know more than your character knows


Should you want to explore acting more, I’d recommend investing in a tutorial before splashing out on a professional acting course.
Screen Acting Close Up

How to Act

Knowing how to act can help you escape an awkward social situation or even land you an part in a play, TV show or movie. This ‘how to’ provides you with 10 tips from some of the silver screen’s best.

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1. Learn your lines so well that you never have to worry about them. Read the play/film/show at least three times out loud before standing it on its feet. A lot of the blocking (the positioning of the actors) will come out of understanding what your characters want, and from whom.

2. Keep a notebook about the play/show/film, the character, the period, your moves. It’ll help you remember what you have done so far – especially if you’re having to rehearse in your spare time rather than all day, every day.

3. Never go dead for a second on stage. Even if you are doing nothing, do it actively. Listen to the person who’s talking – unless your character isn’t listening to them.

4. If something goes wrong – say someone drops something – don’t ignore it. Try to deal with it in character.

8. Try not to worry about embarrassing yourself.

9. Remember that most characters use words to affect, connect with or change the other person.

10. Never know more than your character knows. I’m not talking about research; when you are performing, you must stay inside the truth of your character. Don’t signpost to an audience what they should be thinking.


Never read reviews!

Watch performances on YouTube. There are so many amazing theatrical snippets on there now. It’s just as useful to watch bad performances as it is to watch good ones. You need to be able to differentiate.

Always have a huge supply of cakes and sweets – both for your sugar levels and to butter everyone else up.