With the complications of societal constructs, niche protocols and confusing human behaviour, we could all do with a little guidance on how to better manage our relationships every now and again. We are strange creatures operating from bewildering algorithms, but when factoring in everyone else’s baffling behaviour, the world can very quickly become a very daunting place. Not to worry however, as MGTE is starting to clear the fog by providing template guides that will help us not only get a grips with all those around us, but also benefit from them.
There are so many different styles of how to massage, all advertising different benefits and techniques, but should you not be concerned with being an expert, or should you wish ...
Knowing how to make your girlfriend happy can turn a difficult relationship into a fantastic one. Although everyone is different, and all girlfriends have slightly different needs and expectations, here ...
Making out isn’t as straight forward as it seems if you’re not used to it. The skills are taken for granted by so many people that asking for advice or ...
Bored of the same old drinks and games at your party? Prepare some fun alternative ways to get that alcoholic goodness into your belly!
Knowing how to make any girl want to kiss you is an absolute blessing of a gift. Rather than you having to make all the effort, you can set the ...
Unfortunately, due to the globalisation of society and the advancements in means of travel, the rather unnatural situation of being a great distance from someone that you love is now ...
Knowing how to make a girl feel special will put a smile on her face. Yes, I know that seems incredibly obvious, but what men often fail to recognise is ...
Knowing how to make a girl become obsessed with you is priceless information. An incredibly challenging feat as everyone is different, but here are some general tips on how to ...
Knowing how to love can provide meaning to our existence. If you’re struggling to get there, then read on. Love is one of our rawest and simplest of emotions yet ...
This is a bit of a toughy! When considering the range of maturity and character profiles of the female populous and the corresponding approaches that ladies will adopt in order ...
Knowing how to kiss passionately is a very useful skill in keeping things exciting when making out. The skill is often ignored or just taken for granted by so many ...
Knowing how to hypnotize someone may not actually be enough to hypnotise them. Contrary to popular belief, the other person needs to want to be hypnotized for it to work. ...
Although ‘How to hug a girl’ may seem like a rather embarrassing question to ask, the act itself, especially when female company is something new to you, can be quite ...
Knowing how to have sex appeal can provide you with the confidence that you need to actually have it! Confidence is key, an ‘understated confidence’ even more so. Here is ...
Although second nature to most, there are some highly recommended guidelines to achieving an enviable level of conversational skills.
Kissing isn’t as straight forward as it seems if you’re not used to it. The skill is taken for granted by so many people that asking for advice or being ...
Whether you’re marking your lover as ‘yours’, are caught in the throes of passion, or simply think that it would be funny to send your partner off back into the ...
Everyone occasionally suffers from dark circles under our eyes at some point. They are both unattractive and put years on our appearance. Whether due to fatigue, medical conditions, or a ...
Knowing how to get a girl to like you in middle school can set you up with a life time’s worth of courtship tactics and skills. There are some basic ...
To get a girl to fall in love with you is one of life’s greatest challenges. The feat isn’t quite so difficult if your intentions aren’t genuine, be should you ...
Knowing how to get a girl to be your girlfriend will make courtship much less painful and much more successful for you. Everyone is different and so there is no ...
The first step towards knowing how to gain control of your emotions is simply accepting that, just like 100% of the human population, we may not always act entirely rationally! ...
Knowing how to find your soulmate is 50% an exercise in searching, and 50% an exercise in being receptive. As you’ve already reading this article, let’s assume that you’re already ...
Knowing how to fall out of love can save you months upon months of heartache. Although it is most definitely a case of ‘easier said than done’, there are some ...
Knowing how to buy your girlfriend the perfect gift can put you in ‘the good books’ for at least a few days! Although everyone is different, there are some general ...
Not quite sure of your feelings? Knowing how to define love can help you separate the Mrs Rights from the Mrs ‘Run a mile’. Evaluate your emotions and chemistry with ...
Knowing how to deal with loneliness can make a particularly unpleasant period of your life manageable. We all experience loneliness, some to a greater extent than others, but it’s how ...
Knowing and being practiced in how to deal with impossible people can save you much unpleasantness. In general, it’s best to never rise to the occasion, however there are a ...
Knowing how to dance the waltz can earn you incredible man points when sweeping a girl off of her feet or when treating older relatives to a treasured day out. ...
Knowing how to make a girl laugh will provide you with the key to her heart! We are all different, but at the very least appreciate that girls, in general, ...
Writing a song can seem incredibly daunting. The best way to approach the task is to simply start writing! It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, just start throwing out some ...
Knowing how to write an essay and presenting it accordingly will ensure that your work will be taken seriously. There are many different types and styles of essay depending on ...
Knowing how to write an address on an envelope properly will ensure that your mail is received as intended. No matter where in the world you’re sending you item, there ...
Knowing how to write a short story should be an essential item on every creative writer’s tool belt. As an entire novel may seem a little daunting, it’s always best ...
Knowing how to write a script professionally will greatly increase your chances of being heard in the right circles. This article with give you advice on how to formulate and ...
Knowing how to write a resignation letter well can save you much awkwardness, help you to stay professional and receive as positive a reference as possible. In general, you want ...
Knowing how to write a report and presenting it accordingly will ensure that your work will be taken seriously. There are many different types and styles of report depending on ...
Knowing how to write a poem, in its truest sense, is about developing a keen appreciation of the world around you and communicating your musings in verse. The topics of ...
Knowing how to write a letter requesting sponsorship can make or break your endeavour. Although you will have to tailor this guideline to the nature of your request, here are ...
Knowing how to write a letter of recommendation, for someone such as yourself who is in the position to be asked to write a letter of recommendation (i.e. someone who ...
Knowing how to woo a girl is a skill that will serve you well throughout life. Although every fine female is different, here are some general tips to help you ...
Do not engage in physical violence unless you absolutely have to; very rarely will a positive outcome be attained. If you do have to, be aware that winning a street ...
Knowing how to win a girl’s heart can save you months of endless pining and heartache. In order to spare yourself the hardships of unrequited love, be pro-active and do ...
Knowing how to turn a girl on (first, however, you need to know how not to turn a girl off!), will provide you with priceless ammunition in the field of ...
Advice for adolescents: Should you be nervous on the issue then it can be daunting breaking the touch barrier with a girl. The key thing to remember here is that ...
Knowing how to text message someone you like, or more to the point, knowing what to say and how to say it, is a skill that can serve you very ...
This is a bit of a toughy! When considering the range of maturity and character profiles of the female populous and the corresponding approaches that ladies will adopt in order ...
Knowing how to tell a girl that you like her, particularly in a way that you hope that she entertain the thought of a relationship with you, is an essential ...
How to know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you can mean the difference in progressing to the next stage of your relationship or just being stuck in ...
Knowing how to talk to girls as a teen boy can seem incredibly challenging. Their approach to life may seem completely alien to yours, not to mention the difficulties of ...
Having a crush on a young (or old) lady, inevitably results in nerves on your behalf. It is therefore very natural to find it difficult to initiate conversation with them. ...
“Sweeping a girl off of her feet” is a little practiced long lost skill that has lost none of its potency. Properly done with real heart and care, it’s an ...
Kissing isn’t as straight forward as it seems if you’re not used to it. The skill is taken for granted by so many people that asking for advice or being ...
Having advice on how to get over your first love can greatly help the recovery process. No matter how amicable the ending or the reason for the break up, severing ...
‘How to cuddle’ may seem like a peculiar topic to have to seek advice on, but due to the complexities of the hundreds of different possible social relations we may ...
Knowing how to go down on someone well can result in incredibly rewarding sexual experiences for both you and your partner. Although everyone is different and so you should be ...
Knowing how to stop being jealous could save your relation from its otherwise inevitable demise. Address the core issues and try to control your emotions.
Getting stuck in the friend zone is incredibly frustrating, making knowing how to escape the friend zone absolutely essential. If you’ve been a ‘nice guy’ there’s a good chance that ...
No matter how amicable the ending or the reason for the break up, severing ties with someone that you care about, or did care about, can be incredibly difficult. There ...
Knowing how to get an upgrade to first class can result in an incredibly rewarding experience. Having felt like you’ve saved plenty of your hard earned cash and then travelling ...
We’re all different and so are the objects of our desire, making a fool proof guide to getting the girl impossible to write. There are some basic tips however, that ...
Flirting is not only a skill useful for attracting a partner, it is also a skill that is essential in non-sexual relationships such as making friends, or developing relationships with ...
Knowing how to cure puffy eyes can leave you full of confidence as you head out in the morning regardless of how little sleep you’ve suffered. Caused by a fluid ...
Having a step by step guideline on how to start a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization will greatly reduce the time that you need to invest into getting your life changing endeavour ...
All too often do we find ourselves left stranded standing next to someone that we don’t know and are put on the spot to make conversation. This doesn’t have to ...
Knowing how to stay positive when you know your life sucks can help you climb out of the hole that you’ve found yourself in. Unfortunately, life is very rarely fair, ...
Knowing how to find yourself can lead to a truly enlightening experience. There is no definable end point, but part of finding yourself involves appreciating that you don’t always have ...
To come up with good conversation topics in socially awkward or testing situations is a much envied skill. There will often be times when you’re stuck for something to talk ...
Considering the comparatively small size of the UK, there is a huge variation in accents and regional colloquial vocabulary. Learning specific regional accents requires careful observation of both pronunciation and ...
Knowing how to slow dance can mean the difference between sweeping the lady of your dreams off of her feet or a lack lustre night out. There are so many ...
Being able to smile is not quite enough, you want to be confident in the way that you smile in order to properly sell yourself. Should you be going through ...
Knowing how to detect lies is an incredibly useful skill that can help you: gain a greater appreciation of your loved ones around you, correctly assess a sales situation, or ...
O.K. dudes, bit of a wet one here, but to be honest, knowing how to say “I love you” will be something that pretty much every single one of us ...
Knowing how to break up is one thing, but being able to actually do it is another. Sometimes you just need to tell yourself that it has to be done, ...
Knowing how to recognise a manipulative or controlling relationship can spare you much heart break and despair. Are you suffering at the hands of someone that you care about who ...
It’s one thing knowing how to be patient, but being patient in a difficult situation is an entirely different matter. When everything around us is in such a rush, being ...
Not only will this article provide you with tips on how to read body language, but to also alter yours to seem more attractive and to entice intrigue.
Although this is a science in itself, here are a few take home tips about how to gauge an appreciation of someone from the body language that they’re sub-consciously using.
Knowing how to be organised will help keep your busy life in order, make everything seem much more manageable, and greatly reduce the amount of stress that you might suffer. ...
Knowing how to be comfortable on a long airplane trip can mean the difference between: the perfect start to a holiday or the worst, or being ‘switched on’ during an ...
Want to be super interesting like all those guys who seem to simply just know how to be charismatic? With a little practice and planning, you can establish yourself as ...
Want to be super interesting like all those guys who seem to simply just know how to be charismatic? With a little practice and planning, you can establish yourself as ...
Knowing how to play the bongos properly can mean the difference between receiving unpleasant looks from all those around you, or providing a well-received rhythmic beat for the group. The ...
Knowing how to play the guitar means you will always have a friend. Music is the international tongue, and one of the most portable and translatable of all instruments, is ...
Knowing how to be a good boyfriend can make a relationship much more of a pleasant experience. In general, attempt to see things through your girlfriend’s eyes before and after ...
You’re not a man of the world until you’ve experienced what the world has to offer, yet taking the first step out of your door actually begins at home! What ...
We’ve decided that we’re not after love so we want to know how to pick up a girl in a bar. As we are looking for a different kind of ...
Very simply, don’t take drugs! If you have been caught slightly unaware after a hedonistic weekend however, and are prepared for the consequences (perhaps legal; MGTE accept no responsibility for ...
Learning how to not care what people think will allow you to openly be yourself and so generally be a happier person. The first important thing to realise here is ...
Knowing how to ask your professor for a letter of recommendation via email can really help your future career prospects. This article will provide with you a template of how ...
Knowing how to ask a girl to prom of homecoming in a cute way will help bag you the date of your dreams. The key here is to be creative ...
It may seem like only the smoothest of guys know how to act around girls, but it’s really not that hard. In general, it’s best to just behave exactly the ...
Knowing how to deal with a bad kisser can save a potentially perfect romance from spiralling into just another fling. It’s important to remember that there is a degree of ...
Knowing how to use a condom, or knowing how to put a condom on properly, can minimise the time awkwardly fumbling around before sex and prevent ruining the mood. It ...
Knowing how to call or text a girl can make things one hell of a lot easier during the courtship stages of a relationship. Here are a few key pointers ...
Kissing isn’t as straight forward as it seems if you’re not used to it. The skill is taken for granted by so many people that asking for advice or being ...
Being able to tell if a girl likes you in school is a massive skill to learn that will not only up your chances of success with that one special ...
Knowing how to hide an erection can save you from social suicide! We’ve all been there, for whatever reason, where a certain something pops up unwanted or unexpected, however there ...
Knowing how to communicate effectively can mean that every relationship is started off on the right foot. This 'how to' provides some killer tips.
We’re all different and so are the objects of our desire, making a fool proof guide to asking a girl out would be impossible to write. There are some basic ...