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How to Know if Your Girlfriend Wants to Have Sex With You

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How to Know if Your Girlfriend Wants to Have Sex With You

  1. At a time when you are feeling emotionally neutral, i.e. not immediately after heated physical contact or when you haven’t seen your partner for a few days and are starting to miss them, try to objectively evaluate how healthy the relationship is.
  2. Communicate about everything.
  3. Be empathetic.
  4. Pay attention to her when you’re being intimate.
  5. Ask in a non-threatening and indirect manner.
  6. Sex will be better when it is a want that is shared, not just something that your partner is allowing to happen to keep you happy!


“Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” is the timeless relationship guide. This book is arguably the definitive book for keeping a happy, loving relationship.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships: How to Get What You Want in Your Relationships

Learn how to read between the lines and deliver your ideas in a way which will be much better received by the person that you’re talking to. Neuro-linguisic programming is a skill that all socialisers should learn and I couldn’t recommend any texts on the matter more highly.

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The Game is the gospel for men wishing to pick up women. It is THE original mass marketed text and sings home many unspoken truisms. Use with caution, care, and sensitivity towards women’s feelings.


How to Know if Your Girlfriend Wants to Have Sex With You

How to know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you can mean the difference in progressing to the next stage of your relationship or just being stuck in the same place. Depending on the dynamic of your relationship, very rarely will these things be openly voiced, instead it may be up to you to read the cues that she may be hinting to you that she’s ready. The following should give you some guidance on the matter.

Photo Credit: Designlazy.com


1- At a time when you are feeling emotionally neutral, i.e. not immediately after heated physical contact or when you haven’t seen your partner for a few days and are starting to miss them, try to objectively evaluate how healthy the relationship is.

2- Communicate about everything. Foster a ‘talk about it sooner rather than later’, environment. Learn to be comfortable about talking about sexual matters and perhaps a simple discussion on whether you’re both ready to have sex or not may arise. Perhaps the conversation may not be direct, however talking around the subject should give you a few clues as to her feeling about it (sexual history of you or your partner is not a recommended topic of conversation however!).

3- Be empathetic. Girls are often more in touch with their emotions than men. Be understanding and adjust your tone and volume of voice to meet her feelings. Being intimate them on an emotional level will encourage the relationship physically.

4- Pay attention to her when you’re being intimate. When making out, does she pull away more often than not or is she usually the one to get more physical?

5- Ask in a non-threatening and indirect manner. Rather than asking directly i.e. “would you like to have sex?” which may put her on the spot, or asking in a loaded manner such as “Are you ever going to want o have sex with me?”, which may make her feel uncomfortable, ask something along the lines of “how do you feel about taking our relationship to the next/a sexual level?”. Asking the question in this way suggests maturity on your part but also gives her the option of dodging the implied question should she not be comfortable. If she does dodge the subject, do not probe further as her avoidance has already suggested that she’s not ready.

6- Sex will be better when it is a want that is shared, not just something that your partner is allowing to happen to keep you happy!


Be relaxed about the subject and so will she. If you push the issue too hard she will back down.

Try using NLP to plant the idea into her head to make her the driving force behind the encounter! This is sneaky but highly effective!


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